Random password generator
I was updating a random password generator for a project, thought I'd share the resulting code. Also availabe as a gist.
Using a default length of 14 characters this should generate passwords with 84 bits of entropy.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os, string
def random_password(length=14):
Random password generator.
Default generated password will have an entropy of 84 bits.
For each character in the password, generate a random byte, reduce
the integer value to modulo 64 and use the result as an index on
the character pool.
In a 64 character pool, each character will have an entropy of 6
bits. With a lenght of 14 characters the total entropy is 84 bits:
log2(64) * 14 = 84 bits
The difference between 13 and 14 characters can be several years
to brute force. """
characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '+/'
l = list()
for x in xrange(length):
i = ord(os.urandom(1)) % len(characters)
c = characters[i]
return ''.join(l)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Generating passwords is easy, storing them safely seems to be more of a challenge.